Flipper zero wifi addon module BruCON 2023

From Ko-Lab Wiki

Make your own Flipper Zero Wifi Scanner Addon Module

For BruCON 2023, we provide the materials in the hardware hacking area to create a flipper zero wifi addon module.

Project Repo

The project comes from this Github repo listed below. All credits to the creator of that!

Important Difference Compared to the reference GitHub Project

What we show in the pictures is with ESP8266 chip facing frontward and reset button on the right side. In the repo's diagram the esp is facing backward with the reset button on the left side. Make sure to take this into account when wiring it up! The wiring diagram shown in the table below matches our own pictures and so is different from that in the linked project on github.

Source: Github Repository Project Link



Caption text
Front with Wemos D1 Mini Attached
front image
Front with Wemos D1 Mini Dettached
front image with esp detached
front image with esp detached
Our wiring schema
wiring diagram

Project gestart: 2023-09-28
Projectnaam DIY Flipper Zero Wifi Addon Module
Flipper zero wifi scanner front with esp.jpg
Project tagline::DIY Flipper Zero Wifi Addon Module based on a wemos d1 mini
Status active
Project gestopt: 2023-09-29
leden FrancisD